Out With the Old... On With the New

October 30, 2011

My absence from the blog only means that I have been loving on this girl.

She takes up a huge amount of my days, and I love it!

Friday, I had my 6 week post-partum checkup.  I was declared fully healed... well... physically at least.  And, so it is with a huge sigh that I declare this pregnancy officially OVER!  Wow... what a journey, what a trip, what a year.  Hard to believe sometimes that I made it.

And with that I decided I needed a big change.  I needed to shed something old, and move on with something new, and so today for the first time in my life (except for a "strawberry blonde" disaster once in 10th grade that turned into Ronald McDonald hair) I am no longer blonde.  Well... I have some blonde highlights.  It's strange, but like I said I needed a change... I needed to do something to officially leave this experience behind me.  And this beat having a mid-life crisis.
And so... here's the new me along with a groggy Lily.

Compared to the old me...
Seriously bad look on my face, and no clue what I'm doing with my hand

I'm getting used to it... but I like it.  I think I might do something a little different with the highlights next time, but other than that it is a good change!

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  1. Great idea and it looks fantastic!

  2. I love the Strawberry Blonde! And of course, Lilly is too cute.

  3. I love the Strawberry Blonde. It looks wonderful on you. And of course, Lily is too cute!

  4. Very cute new do! And Lily is just precious!

  5. Cute hair! I still need to walk myself over and meet miss Lily! :)

  6. Love your hair! I went dark too for the winter. Kind of fun!!


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