Shifting your Focus: From Food to Blessing Others

November 19, 2010

Joy over at has lost over 50 pounds. Her goal is to honor the Lord and be obedient to Him, to love His people and to use her life as a living example for many.  I personally think she is doing a great job. So wise… So let’s listen to what she has to say.

The holidays are upon us. My goodness Thanksgiving is just a couple of weeks away! I am already feeling the hustle and bustle of things beginning to happen! Its here, folks, can’t believe it!!!

If you are like me, up to this point, you may have been a little self centered and focused on your weight loss and fitness journey. By now, you might be feeling a little stressed, your blood pressure is rising. Already there is so much you have to do for yourself, your family and your other obligations, that the upcoming holidays just adds a little extra pressure to your already busy life. You also might be thinking that there is just not enough time left in the day to exercise, or plan your meals or journal your calories….DON’T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT QUITTING AND PUTTING OFF WHAT’S IMPORTANT FOR YOU!!! YOU CAN’T QUIT NOW!!! Just saying…

Anyway, in the “old” days, by now I would be thinking of all of the wonderful goodies and treats I would be making for my friends and family, and of course, I would be planning our huge Thanksgiving meal.

So this year…instead of putting all of my energy and focus on the food of the season…I’ve decided that I’m making the holidays more about people!
Giving of my time and money….

Whoa, you might say…”Right now I neither have enough time nor enough money to spare!!”

I get it...I get it!!!

But I would like to challenge you and ask you to trust the Lord with this mission.

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
Proverbs 11:25

So if you are up to it. Spend your time blessing others. Give your hubby backrubs…Play games with your kids…Spend time and money at a homeless shelter or a food bank…Make cards and send them to your friends…Call someone you have not spoken to in a while…Call someone and make amends…Invite your single neighbor over for Thanksgiving dinner…Give Blood…Visit someone in the hospital…Start a Bible Study with your co-workers…Take your boss out to lunch…Volunteer at your church…Make things and take them to a nursing home…Pick up trash…Open doors for people…Let someone in when merging on the highway…Give grace to others…Give out hugs…Say a kind word…Just be a blessing to all!!

Now don’t get me wrong. Don’t forget about your health and fitness goals and other obligations. You still need to keep focused!

This holiday season; don’t put your focus on the food. Focus on others…be giving…be generous…be a Blessing and then you too will be refreshed!

Are you with me?
Keep focused!!

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