Tomorrow I Will Go for my Last Outside Run

August 02, 2010

Tomorrow at 5:45 am I will go for my LAST outside run (for awhile at least) in the near dawn.  The sun will officially rise at 6:00 am tomorrow, and the dew point outside will be 70 degrees - that is the DEW POINT!!!  The temperature will be around 73.  I am not a meteorologist or anything, but I think when those 2 are = it is 100% humidity. 

Tomorrow I will go for my last outside run and my husband will ask me, "Are you REALLY going to run?" and I will say "Yes, and if I need to stop and walk, its OK!"  Half to convince myself that it really is OK, and half to convince him I am not 100% crazy. 

Yes, tomorrow I will go for my last outside run, and I will listen to my music, and I will think about when I started to run back in April - when I used to only be able to run 1 minute at a time, when I weighed more and moved less.  When that 1 minute would give me horrible leg pain - when my knees almost gave out on me. 

Yes, tomorrow I will go for my last outside run, and think about running away the last 3.8 pounds to my goal.  I will run because I am no longer fat.  The fat lady lost, and the thinner lady won. 

Yes, tomorrow morning I will go for my last outside run, and I will be soaking wet with sweat when I return, but I will be smiling because...

the next time I run...

I will be here:

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